
Institute on Federal Taxation - New York 2024

Institute on Federal Taxation - New York
From October 20, 2024 until October 25, 2024
New York - The Westin New York á Times Square, New York, Bandaríkjunum
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)

Stofnun um alríkisskattamál | NYU SPS

Institute on Federal Taxation New York - 83rd Institute on Federal Taxation. California 83rd Institute on Federal Taxation

NYU School of Professional Studies Institute on Federal Taxation var hannað fyrir iðkendur sem oft sjá fyrir og takast á við alríkisskattamál.

NYU School of Professional Studies Institute on Federal Taxation var hannað fyrir iðkendur sem oft sjá fyrir og takast á við alríkisskattamál. Stofnunin veitir þér uppfærslur á háu stigi og hagnýt ráð sem þú getur notað, svo og ítarlegar greiningar á nýjustu straumum frá leiðandi sérfræðingum.

The participants return to their work with an abundance of information, as well as the tools and strategies they need to save clients' money on taxes and to provide better service. The six-day course covers all major tax areas, including: current developments, tax controversies, corporate tax, partnerships, LLCs and real estate, trusts and estates, executive compensation and employee benefit plans, closely-held businesses, international tax, and ethical transactions.

NYU SPS, deild áætlana í viðskiptum og NYU SPS hýsa Institute on Federal Taxation. Við þjálfum leiðtoga á virknisviðum innan fyrirtækis. Framhaldsnám, endurmenntun og framkvæmdanám okkar eru hönnuð til að undirbúa nemendur fyrir nýsköpunarvöxt í stofnunum og samfélagi á heimsvísu.

We ask you to consider giving to our conference fund as a way to show your appreciation for our conferences. Any amount you give will have a huge impact on the cost of hosting our annual tax conference each year. It also allows us provide financial hardship discounts or scholarships to attorneys and accountants who need help to pay for conference fees.

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New York - The Westin New York á Times Square, New York, Bandaríkjunum New York - The Westin New York á Times Square, New York, Bandaríkjunum


800 Stafir eftir