Alþjóðlega leikfangamessan Spielwarenmesse 2026
Spielwarenmesse |
Spielwarenmesse 2026: A Grand Event for the Toy Industry.
27–31 JANUARY 2026: 75th Spielwarenmesse – Celebrate with the biggest community in the industry! Relive the best moments from 2025 with Spielwarenmesse TV! 27–31 JANUARY 2026: 75th Spielwarenmesse – Celebrate with the biggest community in the industry! Relive the best moments from 2025 with Spielwarenmesse TV! Welcome to the heart of the toy industry. Experience the Spirit of Play in Nuremberg from 27 – 31 January 2026.
As a visitor planning to attend the Spielwarenmesse 2026, it's crucial to effectively organize your trip to make the most of this remarkable gathering. Start by reviewing the ticket options and plan your visit carefully, while taking into account the vast layout of the fairgrounds and the myriad of exhibitors present. Each year, the Spielwarenmesse captures the vibrant essence of the toy industry, offering a unique opportunity for attendees to experience the Spirit of Play in a setting that brings together professionals from all over the world.
Scheduled from January 27 to 31, 2026, this year's event marks the 75th anniversary of the fair, promising even more excitement and entertainment. With a diverse array of product groups and engaging programs, the fair is the perfect place to gain insights into current trends and innovations within the toy community. As you navigate through the halls and exhibitions, you'll have the chance to connect with leading experts, discover new products, and relive memorable moments from past fairs, all within the enchanting city of Nuremberg.
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Nürnberg - NurnbergMesse GmbH, Bæjaralandi, Þýskalandi Nürnberg - NurnbergMesse GmbH, Bæjaralandi, Þýskalandi
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