Matur innihaldsefni Asía 2026

Matar innihaldsefni Asía Jakarta 2026
From September 16, 2026 until September 18, 2026
Jakarta - Alþjóðlega sýningin í Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indónesíu
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)

Fi Asía Indónesía | Stærsti F&B hráefnisviðburður ASEAN

Fi Asia Indonesia - ASEAN’s Largest F&B Ingredients Event.

Indonesia's largest food and beverage ingredients event. Fi Global Insights Newsletter. See what's cooking every week.

As a visitor to Fi Asia Indonesia, it's crucial to seize every networking opportunity and engage with the myriad of exhibitors and industry professionals. Doing so will provide a comprehensive understanding of the latest trends in the food and beverage sector, which is rapidly evolving to meet future demands.

Fi Asia Indonesia offers a unique platform where you can source high-quality ingredients and showcase innovative products and solutions. With over 700 companies from more than 100 countries exhibiting, it is an unparalleled opportunity to grow your business. As you explore the event, you’ll also be learning about sustainability practices that can shape a greener future for the F&B industry. Thus, attending is not only about expanding your business horizons but also about contributing to a sustainable tomorrow.

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Vinsamlegast skráðu þig á opinberu vefsíðu Food Ingredients Asia

Kort af stað og hótel í kring

Jakarta - Alþjóðlega sýningin í Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indónesíu Jakarta - Alþjóðlega sýningin í Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, Indónesíu


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