eMove360° Hybrid

eMove360° Hybrid

From October 14, 2024 until October 17, 2024

Í Munich - Messe München Gmbh, Bæjaralandi, Þýskalandi

Sent af Canton Fair Net



eMove360° rafknúin og sjálfvirk hreyfanleiki

Digital Hub - eMove360deg. eMonday Club Meeting March 2024. Chroma Germany GmbH will be exhibiting at eMove360deg Europe in 2024. Octupus Germany GmbH is an exhibitor at the eMove360deg Europe 2020.

8. alþjóðlega viðskiptasýning og ráðstefna fyrir rafmagns- og sjálfvirka hreyfanleika 15.-17. október 2024, Messe München, Austur inngangur.

Vertu með í samfélagi okkar til að tengjast öðru fólki sem hefur áhuga á rafknúnum og sjálfstæðum hreyfanleika.

Áhersla: Sjálfvirkur akstur og tengingar – XR og hugbúnaður.

Chroma is proud to announce its participation at eMove360! Discover the latest innovations in electric vehicle technology at their stand. They are here to shape the future of electric mobility, from charging technologies to intelligent solutions.

Octopus Energy will be exhibiting this year at eMove360deg Europe 2020 and looks forward to meeting with you! They are a leader in clean energy and strive to offer innovative solutions for sustainable transportation. They are responsible for the supply of green energy to electric vehicles and the development of intelligent charging systems. Visit them [...].

Short breaks are a great way to relax and rejuvenate. They can give you new energy and vigor. This is a view shared by many stress researchers. There are many bridge days in the month of May. (May 1, Ascension Day, Corpus Christi, on the 30th, and Whit Monday, on [...].

Tímaritið eMove360deg leggur áherslu á lífsstíl fyrir nýja hreyfanleikann. Það samþættir rannsóknir og þróun í lífsstíl fyrir sjálfbærar samgöngur í dreifbýli og þéttbýli. Það leitar tæknilegra lausna á CO2-lausri umferð.