

From March 04, 2025 until March 07, 2025

Í Indianapolis - Indiana ráðstefnumiðstöðinni, Indiana, Bandaríkjunum

Sent af Canton Fair Net


Flokkar: Bílaiðnaður, Samgöngur og flutningar

Tags: sending

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For more than 20 years, the people who design, build, use and maintain the work trucks and equipment the world relies on have gathered every March to see the industry’s latest products and technology, learn from one another and discuss how to improve the future. Work Truck Week – More Than a Trade Show™ What started as a trade show has evolved to meet the changing needs of the industry. The event has expanded beyond the walls of Indiana Convention Center to encompass hotels, restaurants, sports arenas, concert venues and the streets that connect them. From Monday to Friday, its energy, scale and intensity encompass the city — making Work Truck Week a one-of-a-kind industry experience.

Félagsmenn NTEA fá afslátt af skráningargjöldum NTEA félagar fá afslátt af skráningargjaldi Skráðu þig í NTEA í dag. Luci Pfaff, forstöðumaður aðildarþjónustu hjá NTEA, mun gjarnan svara öllum spurningum sem þú gætir haft um kosti aðildar.

37400 Hills Tech Drive * Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3414 248-489-8590 Fax Höfundarréttur (c). NTEA. Allur réttur áskilinn Persónuverndarstefna.