Anuga FoodTec

Anuga FoodTec

From February 23, 2027 until February 26, 2027

Hjá Köln - Koelnmesse GmbH, North Rhine-Westphalia, Þýskalandi

Sent af Canton Fair Net


Alþjóðleg vörusýning fyrir matartækni | Anuga FoodTec

Anuga FoodTec Magazin Highlights. Food packaging concepts. The circular economy is the focus. Technology for a sustainable tomorrow. Many core processes rethought. Transfer of technology and knowledge. Globalisation is a chance to increase sustainability. AI and deep-learning. What are the potentials of this new technology? The Club of Rome will give the opening keynote. Anuga FoodTec's event program.

Vertu með í Anuga FoodTec vefnámskeiðaröðinni til að fá nýjustu innsýn í iðnaðinn og læra um alþjóðlegt Anuga FoodTec vörusýningarsamfélag.

Anuga FoodTec - alþjóðlegt, nýstárlegt, árangursríkt.

Anuga FoodTec 2020 was a place where innovation, sustainability, collaboration and progression were all on display. From 19 to 22 march, the leading international trade show for the food and beverages industries confirmed its role as the most significant supplier trade fair. It was the meeting place for the entire industry and provided a unique opportunity to discuss and present the latest solutions and innovations.

Þema þessarar viðskiptasýningar og umfangsmikilla dagskrá hennar var 'Ábyrgð.' Það gaf svör við spurningum á sviði orkunýtingar og varðveislu auðlinda. Á kaupstefnunni var kynnt ný tækni og hugtök sem stuðla að sjálfbærri nýtingu náttúruauðlinda um alla virðiskeðjuna.

Anuga FoodTec provided the perfect framework to present trends, with a 46 percent expansion in the exhibition area and the participation by around 1,307 companies from all over the world. Anuga FoodTec 2024 attracted a total of 4000 trade visitors from 133 different countries. This shows the importance of technological innovations in the food industry.The detailed final reportReview of the year 2024.