Alþjóðleg te- og handverkssýning

Alþjóðleg te- og handverkssýning

From June 20, 2024 until June 23, 2024

Í Daegu - EXCO, Daegu, Kóreu

Sent af Canton Fair Net

Flokkar: Matur og drykkur, Listir og handverk

Tags: Te, Snakk, Crafts

Hits: 2543


Address: Room 301, BEXCO, 55 APEC-ro Haeundae-gu Busan TEL: 051)740-77059 FAX: 051)740-7708 Address: Room 301 of BEXCO, Haeundae -gu, Busan, TEL: 051)740-77059, FAX: 051)740-7708Business registration number 617-81-59268 Report number for mail order businesses: No. 2006265574 Representative: Choi Yun-bae.

Te, tevörur, tetengt handverk (teskálar, bollar, tepokar, borð osfrv.). ), iðnaðarbúnaður/te/umbúðir, temáltíðir (hrískökur, kóreskt snarl, baunahlaup o.s.frv.).

Crafts (porcelain and pottery, natural dyeing fibers, wood, metal, jewelry lacquer, Korean papers, glass, silk silver, stone, pressed flower, eggs, living, modern, porcelain, folk arts, etc.). Craft materials and auxiliary material, packaging, distribution, storage equipment, etc.

Tea music, tea book (or tea flower), tea flower arrangement, wildflowers and tea flowers, incense, incense holders, Norigae (traditional quilts), accessories, tea room furnishings, old furniture.