

From March 29, 2025 until March 30, 2025

Í Utrecht - Expo Houten, Utrecht, Hollandi

Sent af Canton Fair Net

Flokkar: Fræðsluþjónusta

Hits: 2581

- De Internationale Emigratiebeurs

Samkomustaður fólksflutningaiðnaðarins. Það eru endalaus tækifæri! Vafrakökur eru notaðar af okkur. Hvaða vafrakökur getum við notað?

The Emigration Fair, with its more than a million vacancies abroad and more than 12000 visitors, 200 exhibitors and more, is the industry's meeting place.

There are more exhibitors from all around the world than ever before. Visitors can get assistance from foreign employers, recruitment agencies and government agencies as well as real estate agents, moving firms, tax experts, trainers, language schools, language institutes, and other service providers. Over 200 international exhibitors in 3 exhibition halls, covering 12,000 m2, and 150 interactive presentations spread over 9 halls provide a clear picture of the possibilities and pitfalls. Learn from the stories of Dutch people that came before you. Find housing and work. Directly discuss your options with potential employers. Any concrete plans? Bring your CV (English). Every profession is covered! At the fair, you can take your first steps towards your dream.

Sýningin er fundarstaður brottfluttra og brottfluttra sem og atvinnuleitenda, frumkvöðla, eftirlaunaþega, námsmanna og námsmanna. Störf, yfirtökur, leiga eða sala á húsum, þjálfun og tækifæri til starfsreynslu. Bæði ungir sem aldnir. Komdu og lærðu, stundaðu viðskipti og taktu stefnu. Pantaðu miða á afslætti núna og nýttu þér forsöluna.

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