Viðskiptadagar rafvirkja

Viðskiptadagar rafvirkja

From September 27, 2024 until September 28, 2024

Í Linz - Design Center Linz Betriebsgesellschaft MBH, Efra Austurríki, Austurríki

Sent af Canton Fair Net



Þessir sýnendur voru viðstaddir árið 2023. Haltu upplýstum! Koma og opnunartími

Eini alhliða vettvangur Austurríkis fyrir upplýsingar um rafeinda- og rafiðnaðinn.

Discover the latest electronic and electrical innovations at the Design Center Linz, September 27th and 28, 2024.

Electrical retail days is a platform that brings together industry, trade, and purchasing. Global brands will be presenting their innovations in the areas of household appliances, household electronics, photovoltaics, and emobility to Austrian electronic retailers. In 2024, innovations in hi-fi audio and household appliances will be the main focus.

The entrance is free after registering at the ticket office!

Electrical retail days are a two-day event that provides a unique insight into the entire industry - tailored specifically to Austrian retailers. The WHO IS WHO of the electrical industry is a showcase for all its latest innovations. Discover what's new in the market.

Kaupstefnusamskipti munu veita þér mikilvægustu upplýsingarnar um sýningar okkar. Þú verður upplýstur um helstu hápunkta, sýnendur og núverandi þróun, fyrir, á meðan og eftir messuna.

Við erum fús til að aðstoða þig með allar spurningar sem þú gætir haft um sanngjarna bókina þína.

Opnunartími: Föstudagur 9:00 - 6:00 Laugardagur 9:00 - 6:00.