Louisville Build Renovate & Landscape Expo

Louisville Build Renovate & Landscape Expo

From January 10, 2025 until January 12, 2025

Í Louisville - Kentucky International Convention Center, Kentucky, Bandaríkjunum

Sent af Canton Fair Net



Flokkar: Byggingargeirinn

Tags: Landslag

Hits: 2209

Louisville Show: Byggja, endurnýja og landslagssýning | L&L sýnir janúar

Louisville bygging, endurnýjun og landslagssýning. Föstudagur janúar 102:00-7:00 2:00-7:00. Laugardagur, janúar 110:00 AM-7:00 PM10:00 PM-7:00. Sunnudagur, janúar 121:00 AM-5:00 PM11:00 PM-5:00. Alþjóðlega ráðstefnumiðstöðin í Kentucky.

Alþjóðlega ráðstefnumiðstöðin í Kentucky mun hýsa 10.-12. janúar 2025.

South Hall BSouth Fourth Street, 221Louisville, KY 40202.

Verið velkomin á Bygginga-, endurnýjunar- og landslagssýninguna. Þessi yfirgripsmikla heimilissýning safnar húseigendum saman við nokkra af reyndustu og fróðustu endurgerða- og byggingarsérfræðingunum. Allt frá smæstu smáatriðum í hönnun til stærstu viðbótarinnar er hægt að skoða alla þætti hússins. Fagmennirnir munu deila þekkingu sinni og hjálpa þér að koma hugmyndum þínum í framkvæmd eða fá innblástur af nýjum.

Discover the latest design and innovation trends! Experts will showcase everything related to the home, including but not limited, to the latest innovations in cabinetry, countertops, flooring and sunrooms, basement finishing and additions. They will also be showcasing the smart home automation system, energy efficient windows, exterior products, and the newest ideas regarding landscape installations. The feature gardens, built inside the convention hall exhibit hall, are a great way to get inspired for spring.

This all happens between January 10-12, 2020. So, make plans to visit the Build, Renovate and Landscape Expo and explore thousands of innovative ideas. This event will put you on a path to making your dream house a reality. Looking forward to meeting you at the Kentucky International Convention Center in January!