Heilsumatur / viðbót Expo

Heilsumatur / viðbót Expo

From February 26, 2025 until February 28, 2025

At Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Japan

Sent af Canton Fair Net


WELLNESS FOOD JAPAN 2024|Stærsta sýning á heilsumarkaði í Japan

Gateway to Healthy Food & Supplement Industry of Japan Why WELLNESS Food Japan? Why WELLNESS FOOD JAPAN? Two Specialized Areas Report on the Final Number of Visitors in 2023 The WELLNESS & FOOD JAPAN Show Management Office.

Stærsta sýningin í Japan á lífrænum, náttúrulegum og heilsufæði.

Stærsta sýning japanska matvæla- og heilsuiðnaðarins, WELLNESSFOOD JAPAN, er haldin í Tokyo Big Sight. Sýningin er haldin á hverju ári með það að markmiði að stækka stærð hennar til hagsbóta fyrir matvæla- og heilsugæsluiðnaðinn.

Framtíðarsýn okkar fyrir Wellness Food Japan miðar að því að bæta líf fólks með hollu mataræði.

WELLNESS FEED JAPAN skiptist í 2 svæði sem eru sérhæfð, sem gerir sýnendum kleift að halda hagkvæma fundi.

3-11-1 Ariake Kotoku, Tokyo Japan 135-0063 Tel: +81-3-5530-1111.

Counting by the number of visitors is a method that has been used for many years.*1 We counted visitors, speakers, and exhibitors who pre-registered, registered the day of the event or checked in at the VIP counter.*2 The number registered press for coverage by the show office is counted. (Including concurrent exhibitions)*The number guests and other persons attending the meeting in the show management office are calculated according to 1.

3-2-1-7F, Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tókýó, 160-0004, Japan Sími: 81-3-5363-1701 FAX: 81-3-6736-0362 Netfang: overseas@tso -int.co.jp