Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo

Heart of Oneness Holistic Expo

From March 07, 2025 until March 09, 2025

Í Edison - Ráðstefnu- og sýningarmiðstöðinni í New Jersey, New Jersey, Bandaríkjunum

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Flokkar: Heilsa og vellíðan

Hits: 362

Heart Of Oneness Holistic Expo | April 5-7, 2024 | Edison, NJ

New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center. Subscribe to our Newsletter. Connecting Hearts & Community. Wellness...an Inner Way Of Being. We are passionate about your purpose. The Wellness Boutique.

Það eru 200+ læknar og lesendur, auk einstakra verslana, sjónrænna aura-ljósmyndunar, kristalla og einstakra verslana!

Miðar fást við hurð og á Eventbrite.

The first 200 people to arrive at the door, Saturday and Sunday, who are 18yrs old or older will receive a free bag.

People come together every day in different places around the globe to celebrate, unify and create a space for growth and opportunity. We believe in community and the shifts that happen when hearts open up within a space filled with unconditional love. We are committed to bringing people together in order for transformation to occur in the hearts of everyone. We thank you and welcome you for being part of this new paradigm.

Við höfum öll fundið fyrir kallinu. Hin milda en kraftmikla innri viðurkenning sem svo innan, svo án. Innra tilveruástand þitt endurspeglar skoðun þína, skynjun og tengsl við sjálfan þig. Það er nauðsynlegt fyrir há lífsgæði að viðhalda bestu vellíðan. Það er mikilvægt að viðurkenna að tilfinningar okkar og gjörðir hafa bein áhrif á heilsu okkar. Þetta er fyrsta skrefið í átt að því að breyta orkutíðni þinni.

True wellness is a holistic concept that includes your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual self. Each part of yourself is integral to the whole. It is a joyful celebration when you commit to a new way of knowing yourself and experiencing it. We are delighted to have you join us and we look forward to introducing you to a group of practitioners who are committed to their own awakening path while supporting YOU.