FSB Köln

FSB Köln

From October 28, 2025 until October 31, 2025

Hjá Köln - Koelnmesse GmbH, North Rhine-Westphalia, Þýskalandi

Sent af Canton Fair Net


Flokkar: Tískuiðnaður

Hits: 6794

Alþj. kaupstefna fyrir almenningsrými, íþrótta- og tómstundaaðstöðu | FSB

Immerse yourself in the world of theme parks. IAKS Congress, 2023. New: FSB will include a parkour-themed live event area. SportAtrium is a new exercise park. "Skatepark In A Box". IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Prizes for 2023. Urban living trends and news. All fairs in the portfolio Living, Contract & Public Spaces. Book your hotel partner.

FSB, with 552 exhibitors, was a global event that offered a wide range of products in the fields of outdoor fitness, open space, playground equipment, sports equipment and stadium infrastructure. This year's edition has taken a holistic view of sustainability, highlighting its ecological, economic, and social aspects. "FSB has once again set the path for a successful and sustainable future for the industry. The talks and discussions were of a high standard as usual. The event is a must-attend for anyone in the sports and leisure industry who wants to exchange ideas across national and continent borders.

Næsta FSB er áætluð 28. - 31.10.2025.

Þróun heilbrigðra, sjálfbærra samfélagaÞing IAKS (International Association for Sports and Leisure Buildings) er alþjóðleg viðskiptasýning sem haldin er samhliða FSB á tveggja ára fresti.

Nýtt: FSB mun innihalda parkour-þema lifandi viðburðasvæði.

For the first time, parkour, a sport that is gaining in popularity, will have a dedicated action area. Visitors can not only familiarise themselves the latest parkour product, but also see it in action in live performances. They will be able try out these products in workshops.