Ferill hennar

From October 17, 2024 until October 18, 2024

Í Munchen - MOC, Bæjaralandi, Þýskalandi

Sent af Canton Fair Net



Flokkar: Fræðsluþjónusta

Tags: Blandaður, Vinnustaðurinn

Hits: 6355

herCAREER - Karriere- und Networking Plattform für Frauen

HerCAREERHerCAREER is Europe's most popular career and networking platform exclusively for women. What is herCAREER exactly? Why do we do what do we do? Meet us at herCAREER or in your community. Prof. Dr. Jana Schaich Borg. Prof. Dr. Jana Schaich Borg. Who is herCAREER? Participants' comments herCAREER Voice Podcast. Podcast: How to get out of your comfort zone without feeling uncomfortable. Podcast: How to get out of your comfort zone without feeling uncomfortable!

You can develop your potential no matter where you are in your career. As a member of the herCAREER network, you'll connect with inspiring specialists, managers, supporters, and like-minded individuals from various industries. Find inspiration, improve your career or reorientate yourself.

Þú getur þróað möguleika þína, sama hvar þú ert á ferlinum. Sem meðlimur herCAREER netsins muntu tengjast hvetjandi sérfræðingum, stjórnendum, stuðningsmönnum og eins hugarfari einstaklingum úr ýmsum atvinnugreinum. Finndu innblástur, bættu feril þinn eða einfaldlega endurstilltu sjálfan þig.

HerCAREER is a leading platform for women's careers. You can enjoy a unique network of job opportunities, inspiring content like podcasts, lectures, and panels at the herCAREER Expo in person or online through our herCAREER academy. We welcome everyone, but especially women who will be able to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Okkur er umhugað um raunverulegt jafnrétti og fjölbreytileika tækifæra. Hver einstaklingur hefur einstaka áhugamál, hæfileika og metnað og ætti að fá tækifæri til að ná faglegum markmiðum sínum. Við erum stolt af því að vera sterkt samfélag sem gerir okkur öllum kleift að ná fullum möguleikum til að opna dyr fyrir lífsáætlanir hvers og eins. Forgangsverkefni okkar er gagnkvæmt traust og stuðningur!