
Iberflora 2024

From October 01, 2024 until October 03, 2024
Valencia - Feria Valencia, Valencia, Spánn
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)

„En Iberflora se genera mucha information para analizar los mercados y las tendencias“

Gerast áskrifandi að fréttabréfinu okkar. Fylgstu með okkur á samfélagsmiðlum okkar.

Framusa, sem er leiðandi alþjóðlegt fyrirtæki í framleiðslu og sölu á steinvörum utandyra eins og gosbrunnum, fígúrum og blómapottum, er stór aðili á heimsmarkaði. Fyrirtækið, sem selur vörur sínar í yfir 20 löndum, ætlar að taka þátt í næstu Iberflora. Agustin González, framkvæmdastjóri þess, var viðmælandi okkar.

Framusa, with its 15-year history and as a benchmark on the international market has a great understanding of how this product type has evolved... What trends have been seen in the last few years in terms of materials and designs.

Products with minimalist lines and straight, elegant lines can be used to not only decorate but also separate environments or spaces. In terms of materials, we're talking about durable and long-lasting ones like stone in lighter colors, such as beige, white or sand. This creates a very natural, bright environment. I'm seeing a move towards more classic, older models in these times of technology and futurism. To give the home a familiar feel, products that appeal to memories and nostalgia are a good choice.

Hvað er það nýjasta í Framusa vörulistanum?

Artificial stone planters and large flower pots with an innovative and unique lighting system. Our flower pots are unique and sculptural thanks to the effects of LED lighting on their reliefs and textures. To be able personalize environments, we created a collection of decorative arts with special value. I'm talking about sculptures that can be used to create unique museum spaces. Sculptures that are both modern and classic, and can be decorated to suit any taste. Each sculpture has its own identifying seal, and all are subject to copyright.

Hits: 6380

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Kort af stað og hótel í kring

Valencia - Feria Valencia, Valencia, Spánn Valencia - Feria Valencia, Valencia, Spánn


800 Stafir eftir