

From February 08, 2026 until February 10, 2026
Bremen - Messe Bremen, Bremen, Þýskaland
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)

gastro ivent - Die Gastronomiemesse

IMPULSES & SOLUTIONSGASTRONOMY IS FOR YOU. The gastro-meeting point of the Northwest GASTRO IVENT is a gastro-meeting point in the Northwest. GASTRO ISVENT - EXPERIENCE IT! Personal, compact and high quality. unique trade fair duo GASTRO IVENT & fish international. In a relaxed environment, an overview of the industry. Special areas with a supportive program. Very high number of decision-makers. Has been convincing since 2014.

Thank you to all the exhibitors and visitors of GASTRO IVENT! Three fantastic days (February 25th-27th) of the trade show are behind us, full of great discussions, tastings and events in an atmosphere that strengthens industry. We reached 13,729 visitors to the trade fair together with fish international! We wish you all a great business and a good follow-up on your contacts! We are very happy about the positive feedback you have given us. We will be preparing for the next GASTRO-IVENT, which takes place from 8th-10th. February 2026.

GASTRO-IVENT er leiðandi samkomustaður fyrir matargerð og gestrisni, verslun, veitingar og sameiginlegar veitingar. Það veitir innblástur, hugtök og nýstárlegar lausnir á viðfangsefnum líðandi stundar. Þú færð heildaryfirlit yfir nýjustu nýjungar og þróun. Í afslöppuðu umhverfi skiptast gestir og sýnendur á hugmyndum um nýja strauma í veitingum. Þú munt geta fundað með samstarfsfólki og samið á jöfnum kjörum.

Since 2014, GASTRO IVENT, parallel to the fish international trade fair, which is Germany's only fish and seafood show, has taken place every even-numbered year.

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Bremen - Messe Bremen, Bremen, Þýskaland Bremen - Messe Bremen, Bremen, Þýskaland


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