
Hairnor 2024

From June 02, 2024 until June 04, 2024
Olinda - Pernambuco ráðstefnumiðstöðin, Pernambuco, Brasilía
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)


The dates of the next three years are 02, 03, and 04 2024. PERNAMBUCO CENTER FOR CONVENTIONS. Speed up toto develop. Pernambuco Convention Center. Autonor Empreendimentos. (Event office). All rights reserved. Privacy Policies Terms. Northeast Beauty Fair Copyright@2023.

HAIRNOR – Northeast Beauty Fair is more than just an event. It’s a platform that brings together businesspeople from all over Brazil and the Northeast. The event also serves as a forum for professional updates in the beauty sector. Beauty and with an audience of people connected to the beauty industry, including: manufacturers, distributors and retailers, hairdressers and manicurists as well as beauticians and makeup artists.

HAIRNOR- Northeast Beauty Fair er meira en bara viðburður. Það er vettvangur fyrir viðskipti fyrir alla Brasilíu og sérstaklega fyrir norðausturhlutann.

The event will also serve as a professional update for the beauty segment, with an audience of beauty professionals, including: hairdressers and manicurists; beauticians and makeup artists; consultants, businesspeople and franchisees.

Pernambuco has experienced unprecedented rapid growth, a result of all sectors of the economy. The state boasts one of the most advanced business infrastructures in Brazil. The state has a wide range of hotels, good highways, excellent bus stations, modern airports, and an airport infrastructure. Pernambuco, with its 187km of beaches, diverse climates and landscapes, rich history, and rich cultural heritage, is one of Brazil's most popular destinations for both business and leisure travelers.

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Vinsamlegast skráðu þig á opinberu vefsíðu Hairnor

Kort af stað og hótel í kring

Olinda - Pernambuco ráðstefnumiðstöðin, Pernambuco, Brasilía Olinda - Pernambuco ráðstefnumiðstöðin, Pernambuco, Brasilía


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