
Clinic EXPO [Tókýó] 2024

Clinic EXPO [Tókýó]
From October 09, 2024 until October 11, 2024
Chiba - Makuhari Messe, Chiba-hérað, Japan
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)

クリニックEXPO 出展のご案内|クリニック向け展示会イベント

Exhibition event for medical practitioners. Clinic directors, doctors and doctors who plan to practice are all welcome.Many [managers] attended. <2023 Tokyo Exhibition Speakers (excerpts)>. We received leads and orders at this show.Existing customers can be converted into repeat customers.

The clinic will also need medical supplies and equipment such as hospital equipment and supplies and electronic medical records.When operating a clinic you may need to know about opening support, information on new clinic properties, etc.The exhibition is a place where products and services that are needed to run a business can be found.

Kerfið er leið til að komast í samband við aðra.Rafræn sjúkraskráSjálfvirk greiðslu-/móttökuvél Heilbrigðiseftirlitskerfi Bókhalds-/bókunarkerfi Heimilisþjónustukerfi.

Einnig eru haldin námskeið fyrir heilsugæslustöðvar. Eftirfarandi dagskrá er miðuð við lækna sem ætla að æfa og munu laða að fjölda gesta.

It is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate a product to potential customers to gauge their interest and level of consideration.Invite them to an exhibit and tell them about your new products or services.

Set up multiple seats to facilitate business negotiations. Create an open and spacious booth.You will achieve better results if you have many salespeople and can discuss on the spot specifics such as estimates, timing and amounts.

RX Japan regularly hosts 90 international exhibitions per year in 39 different fields, including jewelry, eyeglasses and electronics, as well as IT, medicine, energy and IT.

Hits: 1796

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Chiba - Makuhari Messe, Chiba-hérað, Japan Chiba - Makuhari Messe, Chiba-hérað, Japan


800 Stafir eftir