
Crypto Expo Dubai 2024

Crypto Expo Dubai
From May 20, 2024 until May 21, 2024
Dubai - Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)

Crypto Event | Crypto Expo Dubai 2024

Dr Arogundade Samsondeen. Paul "The Profit", Dawalibi. Evdokia Pitsillidou. Muhammad Naeem Aslam. (Mr. KEY) Karnika E. Yashwant. Laura Kornelija Inamedinova. Dr. Ebrahim Al Alkeem. Troptions TV network financialmarkets.media. Crypto world community themarketperiodical. associationblockchainasia. singaporeblockchainclub. Crypto world community Shaikh Mohammed Saleem. Media/Marketing Enquiry.

Leiðandi vörumerki cryptocurrency sýna helstu stafrænu gjaldmiðlavörur sínar og þjónustu fyrir þúsundir kaupmanna.

Nýjustu uppfærslur á dulritunargjaldmiðli og dýrmætri innsýn frá leiðandi sérfræðingum í iðnaði er deilt með kaupmönnum, fjárfestum og fyrirtækjum til að auðga þekkingu þeirra og skilning.

Athöfnin viðurkenndi bestu dulritunargjaldmiðla í heimi.

"Pratik is the founder & chief executive officer of 5ire.org. It's one of the fastest-growing unicorns in the world, and it achieved the coveted $1 billion valuation within a year of its founding. He developed the concept of 5th Industrial Revolution as a foundation principle to shape a world with purpose that integrates sustainability, innovation and commercial viability. He said that most of the complex problems in the world can be solved by creating a bridge between key performance metrics and social impact.

Pratik was a genius in thinking about how a new type of blockchain ecosystem could impact over a billion people's lives and revolutionize industries. The 5ire ecosystem, which is being developed by a team of scientists and engineers, will include a layer one blockchain, 5ire Exchange, NFT/Metaverse Marketplace, 5ire Wallet and 5ire Capital.

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Dubai - Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE Dubai - Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, UAE


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