Framfarasýning Kanada 2025
Canada’s Farm Show Regina, SK Presented by Viterra | REAL District
Canada’s Farm Show Regina: A Hub of Agriculture Innovation.
Farmers and Innovators Gear Up for Canada’s Farm Show Regina, SK Presented by Viterra. SHOW PASSES ON SALE NOW! Register and become an exhibitor at Canada’s Farm Show Regina, SK presented by Viterra. Request or renew your booth space! Sponsorship Opportunities. • Increase brand visibility • Generate sales/leads • Direct engagement with targeted producers • Build relationships with face-to-face interaction • Collaborate with the agriculture community.
If you are involved in agriculture, attending Canada’s Farm Show in Regina, SK, presented by Viterra, is a must. It is a fantastic opportunity for farmers and innovators to explore new agricultural technologies, engage with industry leaders, and enhance their knowledge and practices. The show is built on three fundamental pillars: education, innovation, and collaboration, serving as a foundation for the agricultural community to grow and adapt to new challenges.
The event promises to be an informative and exciting experience with many returning exhibitors and first-time participants. Each year, over 20,000 visitors from more than 50 countries come together to explore how the latest agricultural innovations can foster international sales and collaborations, which have reached up to $76 million. Whether you are seeking innovative farming solutions or want to expand your professional network, this farm show is designed to help you prepare for the coming growing season with the right tools and techniques.
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Kort af stað og hótel í kring
Regina - Evraz Place, Saskatchewan, Kanada Regina - Evraz Place, Saskatchewan, Kanada
بازدید از نمایشگاه
درود و عرض احترامبنده دکترای اقتصاد کشاورزی دارم برای بازدید از نمایشگاه و برای شةجارب زی ماشینی و صنعتی کانادا دیدن کنم
خواهش می کنم راهنمایی بفرمایید چگونه اقدام کنم .
باسپاس فراوان
معرض كندا الزراعي
انا صاحب شركة افريكا كوين للتجارة والخدمات اطلب الدعوه معرض كندا الزرا٠٠Exposition des Papayers et le prix du stand
Bonjour je suis agriculture dans le secteur de la culture de la papaye et je voudrais savoir comment faire pour exposer plus produit du Congo Brazzavilleارغب في حضور المعرض واريد معرفه كيف الحصول علي دعوه وتزاكر المعرض
أنا صاحب شركه استيراد وتصدير الآلات ومعدات زراعيه في مصروارغب في المعرض
كما سبق لي حضور معرض
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ومعرض كانتور في الصين
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takk fyrir allar upplýsingarfjöl-agri
demande de participation en tant qu'exposant. le prix du stand le plus petit.entreprise du domaine agricole. en cote d'ivoire