
The Business Startup Show 2024

Upphafssýning atvinnulífsins
From November 13, 2024 until November 14, 2024
London - ExCeL London, Englandi, Bretlandi
+01872 218 007 XNUMX
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)

Viðskiptasýningin í Bretlandi kemur aftur 13. og 14. nóvember.

ExCeL London, 13. & 14. nóvember 2024. Aðalfyrirlesarar. Carolina Godinho-Moxon. PS50k Launchpad World Series er röð viðburða sem keyrir samhliða World Series. Los Angeles ráðstefnumiðstöðin. Miami Beach ráðstefnumiðstöðin.

About the ShowThe UK will host the largest business event to date on the 13th and 14th November 2024. The team will put on a spectacular performance and be pulling out the stops to celebrate 50 editions in the areas of innovation, small business, and entrepreneurialism.The golden 50th anniversary edition will celebrate this incredible milestone by bringing back past keynote speakers to share their insights on how they achieved success. It will be the return of some of the most prestigious brands to showcase their products and services that can help your business succeed, as well suppliers who have participated in the show for many years.A never-before-seen startup opportunity will be available to win a PS50,000 bundle of business resources, including PS10,000 in cash that you can use to support your dream venture. The website will ask prospective business owners to fill out an application. A few of them will be invited personally to the show, where they can pitch their ideas in front of experts. The prize is worth PS50K. This is a fantastic opportunity that you won't want miss!

Bretland mun hýsa stærsta viðskiptaviðburðinn til þessa dagana 13. og 14. nóvember 2024. Liðið mun sýna stórkostlega frammistöðu og halda upp á 50 útgáfur á sviði nýsköpunar, smáfyrirtækja og frumkvöðlastarfs.

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London - ExCeL London, Englandi, Bretlandi London - ExCeL London, Englandi, Bretlandi


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