Ástralska leikfangaáhugamál og leyfismessa 2025

Ástralsk leikfangaáhugamál og leyfissýning Melbourne 2025
From March 02, 2025 until March 05, 2025
Melbourne - Melbourne ráðstefnu- og sýningarmiðstöð, Victoria, Ástralía
+ 61 3 9320 2600
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)

Leikfangasýning í Melbourne - austoy.com.au

Melbourne Toy Fair 2025: A Sneak Peek.

Advice for visitors: If you're a trade professional in the toy industry, mark your calendar and ensure your business identification is ready for the Melbourne Toy Fair 2025. This exclusive event promises to offer immersive experiences and opportunities for networking and business growth.

The Melbourne Toy Fair is back with much fanfare, celebrating its successful run and gearing up for the 2025 event from the 2nd to the 5th of March. Attracting around 200 exhibitors and 4,000 attendees, the fair is a bustling hub for professionals looking to explore the latest trends and products in the toy industry. From educational displays and electronic gadgets to plush toys and action figures, the fair showcases a wide variety of offerings, appealing to every segment of the market.

The event isn't just about toys; it's a convergence of creativity and practicality. The Hobbies section stands out with a delightful range of model cars, railways, collectibles, and remote control products, capturing the passion of hobbyists and collectors alike. The addition of LICENSED PRODUCTS makes the event even more enticing, focusing on exclusive merchandise that sparks interest among retailers and exhibitors. Registration is essential, strictly reserved for trade professionals, and guarantees an experience designed to drive business success. Keep an eye out for more updates as we approach this highly anticipated event.

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Melbourne - Melbourne ráðstefnu- og sýningarmiðstöð, Victoria, Ástralía Melbourne - Melbourne ráðstefnu- og sýningarmiðstöð, Victoria, Ástralía


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