
Alþjóðlega skartgripasýningin í Kobe 2024

Alþjóðlega skartgripasýningin í Kobe
From May 16, 2024 until May 18, 2024
Kobe - Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Hyogo Hérað, Japan
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)
Flokkar: Tískuiðnaður

About|IJK (International Jewellery Kobe)

Skipulögð af RX Japan Ltd., stærsta sýningarhaldara Japans.

IJK is the largest and best mid-year jewellery show in Western Japan!

RX Japan skipuleggur 90 sýningar* á ári í stórum sýningarsölum eins og Tokyo Big Sight og Makuhari Messe og Intex Osaka, sem nær yfir 39 mismunandi svið, þar á meðal skartgripi, tísku og gjafavöru, rafeindatækni, orku, upplýsingatækni og snyrtivörur.

Visit the RX Japan site for information on 84 annual exhibitions, which are held in 34 different fields.* Comprised of 372 sub-exhibitions.

Philosophy of RX Japan1. We attract a large number of buyers who have a specific purpose for doing business.2. We attract a large number of premium customers from Japan and overseas.3. We are transparent and do not deceive in releasing the numbers of visitors.4. The number of exhibitors is overwhelming, both from Japan and overseas.5. We organize exhibitions that are profitable for the exhibitors.6. We will continue to add value to tradeshows and develop new methods for success.

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Vinsamlegast skráðu þig á opinberu vefsíðu Kobe International Jewelry Exhibition

Kort af stað og hótel í kring

Kobe - Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Hyogo Hérað, Japan Kobe - Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Hyogo Hérað, Japan


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