
Progetto Fuoco 2024

Progetto Fuoco
From February 28, 2024 until March 02, 2024
Verona - Veronafiere, Ítalía
(Vinsamlegast athugaðu dagsetningar og staðsetningu á opinberu síðunni hér að neðan áður en þú mætir.)
Tags: Thermal

Progetto Fuoco - Fiera

28 FebruaryItaly Wood Energy. Italy Wood Energy We'll see you in 2025. The 2022 edition numbers. Milan will host a press conference on February 22 to introduce Progetto Fuoco 2020. A major communication campaign for Progetto Fuoco 2024. Biomass energy can help stop climate change. Innovation is the key word of Progetto Fuoco 2020. The wood biomass market is changing.

Progetto Fuoco er með vettvang tileinkað nýjum vörum sínum.

Þetta tímarit er tileinkað viðarvörum.

Technology and innovation are the key to making the best of biomass energy.

In order to reduce PM10 emission and improve air quality, we need to encourage a technological revolution, i.e. The government will finance the purchase of newer generation stoves, boilers and fireplaces to replace old, polluting ones.

Progetto Fuoco er verkefni sem leggur áherslu á nýjustu tækni og nýstárlegar lausnir á þessu sviði.

Progetto Fuoco, the international leader in the industry, offers a wide range of products from stoves and fireplaces to boilers and wood and Pellet Cookers.

Yfir 60 gestir víðsvegar að úr heiminum sóttu þessa sýningu, sem sýndi meira en 000 vörumerki.

Raunveruleg orkuskipti verða að vera sjálfbær, ekki bara frá umhverfissjónarmiði heldur einnig efnahagslega og félagslega.

It is only by abandoning fossil fuels and switching to renewable energy sources, including the oldest and mature ones like woody biofuels, that we can combat the alarming phenomenon of energy poverty which affects many Italian families.In Italy, the energy sector from wood and biomass has a value of 4 billion euros. It involves 14 000 companies, in a chain of supply that runs "from the forest up to the chimney", and employs 72 thousand people, 43 thousand directly and 29 thousand indirectly.

Hits: 7337

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Verona - Veronafiere, Ítalía Verona - Veronafiere, Ítalía


800 Stafir eftir