
Metal Metal Week 2024

Metal Metal Week
From October 16, 2024 until October 18, 2024
Goyang-si - KINTEX Exhibition Centre 1, Gyeonggi-do, Kóreu
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2024年韩国金属周KOREA METAL WEEK - WorldExpoin

2024Nian Ha Guo Jin Shu Zhou KOREA METAL WEEK. Laser welding equipment for stainless steel cable. Plasma cutting equipment for stainless steel cable. Exhibition Introduction. Industry Properties You can follow Sinoexpo's program to find out about interesting exhibitions. The exhibition is open. Navigation Exhibition Download Exhibitor Directory Download the Exhibitor Directory The exhibition is open. Leave a Reply Cancel reply

Korea Metal Week is a global exhibition that represents all metal industries.

The most representative metal industry show is "Korea Industry Exhibition" this year. This exhibition has 14 different themes: International Fastener and Cable Industry Exhibition. Exhibition of the diecasting industry. International Automobile and Machinery Parts Industry Exhibition. International Stamping and Forging Industry Exhibition. International Tube & Pipe Industry Exhibition. International Metal Surface Treatment Industry Exhibition. 3D Printing Technology Industry Exhibition, etc. Korea Metal Week, a professional industrial exhibition that covers all aspects of production in the industrial sector.

Korea Metal Week is constantly adding new product categories to its lineup and increasing the number of product categories it offers. This is in response to the changing times. This year's key industries include automobile, factory and shipbuilding, aviation, information technology, construction, and IT. Korea Metal Week is more flexible in adapting to the changing times. The show invites core buyers to meet the needs and wants of the exhibitors, and also communicates with the industry about hot issues in exhibiting through conferences and forums.

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Goyang-si - KINTEX Exhibition Centre 1, Gyeonggi-do, Kóreu Goyang-si - KINTEX Exhibition Centre 1, Gyeonggi-do, Kóreu


Muhammad Adil
Ég er viðskiptastjóri Zeeshan verslunar í Pakistan fyrirtæki mitt að leita að nýjum markaði fyrir framleiðslu okkar og rannsóknir svo þess vegna vil ég mæta í þessa málmviku takk fyrir

muhammad adil
Ég er Muhammad Adil og vinn sem viðskiptastjóri hjá Zeeshan kaupmönnum í Pakistan
sem er kaupmaður og birgir með festingum viljum við mæta á þessa málmviku í Kóreu til að leita að nýjum rásum og mörkuðum til að bæta viðskiptamarkaðinn okkar

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